Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Emerging Fashion Tread of Video Sharing

What is "video sharing"? It refers to the video content played on various new media platforms, which is suitable for watching during leisure time. The video duration varies from a few seconds to several minutes, and the content covers humor, fashion trends, street interviews, and other topics. Because the content is short, it can be made into a single clip or a series of videos. Nowadays, watching these videos on mobile phone APPs has become a fashion tread.

According to James Moor's article Why We Need Better Ethics for Emerging Technologies, "in some cases technological development has an enormous social impact. When that happens, a technological revolution occurs". There are a couple of popular video sharing APPs on the market, and people can swipe their finger to enter the next clip. From personal experience, I always tell myself only to watch for half an hour, but it is extremely hard to stop. Even most of the videos are only seconds long, but it is hard to get out of the video once people are attracted to it.

The video sharing social networking service is undoubtedly one of the new trends of internet products in the past few years, which mainly refers to video shot and played by mobile phones. In the early days of the video sharing, the content was mainly about life sharing, which was in line with the basic application scenarios of mobile phone shooting. However, with the development of the industry, the content of video sharing has gradually diversified. A dance, a few lines of singing, a funny imitation clip, and even a sentence or facial expression can make a video or a person well known.

Besides, the increasing influence of the video sharing platform has also promoted business incentives. Many local foods and drinks became popular because of their frequent exposure to the platform. Thus, many users would intentionally travel to the cities where they can buy them, but they are not for the actual food, rather they wanted to make a video clip that can be posted on the platform. Even now, some APPs cooperate with shopping websites, and a shopping cart button appears at the bottom of the video. When users click the button, relevant product information and shopping links related to the video content will appear.

1 comment:

  1. Stanley, I think this post is very well done. It includes the clear main idea of one the readings and you have created an opinion and thought provoking blog post. This topic is very current given the boom in popularity with tik tok and other trends regarding short video clips. I do also find it very interesting and relatable that the short attention span of people nowadays has helped with the popularity of these platforms and videos. One thing I would mention would be the length of the post. Although it is very will written, it was a bit daunting as a blog post.


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