Friday, February 7, 2020

The Ethics of Information Transparency

Information transparency is defined as having ready access to the required information about whatever subject you want the information on. In "Turilli Floridi Information Transparency" they say that transparency depends on several factors, it depends on the "availability of the information, the conditions of its accessibility and how the information, which has been made transparent, may pragmatically or epistemically support the user's decision-making process." Information transparency is a bit of an ethical dilemma. On one hand having complete information transparency on big corporations and social media companies is very beneficial for individuals who consume the products that these companies are creating. They can view the numbers that a company is producing and decide if it's worth investing in that company. But on the other hand of complete information transparency, would be our information. All the information that has been gathered on every single one of us would be out there for anyone to view and use. All of your medical records, all of your instagram, facebook, and twitter posts, it wouldn't matter if your account is private either, all of it is out there for the taking. To me that would be a huge invasion of people's privacy! I know I would not want all my information available to the public, I value my privacy and anonymity. However, Turilli and Floridi note that not all cases of information transparency have an ethical dilemma tied to them. Computer operating systems disclose information to whichever company created it about how people are using their operating system and whether or not there are any flaws. The take away from this is that depending on your own opinions and world views, certain cases of information transparency can be either ethical or unethical.


  1. Hi Tom, your post was good in that you found a topic you wanted to talk about and stuck to it. Your blog, however, basically just summarizes our assigned reading “The ethics of information transparency.” That is also the title of the paper you referenced when you said “Turilli Floridi Information Transparency.” I would suggest coming up with a new title for your blog since that is the title of their paper. At the end you said it’s an opinion and that it could go either way. Try presenting an argument from something Turilli and Floridi say in their paper.

  2. Your blog has good information in it that supports the topic. However, you should consider adding a line or two at the beginning to help hook your reader in. Also, break your blog up into multiple paragraphs to not give your reader all of the information in one block. Consider adding in photos to support your argument(also will break up paragraphs). You summarize the reading from Turilli and Floridi a little to much, write about your argument more.

  3. I believe you did a nice job at connecting your points to the reading. I think your blog would benefit from adding in a stronger hook to really tie the reader in. In addition to this, I believe it would benefit your blog to make the font larger, have more than just one block of text, and to add pictures that guide the reader along.


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