Friday, January 24, 2020

The Symbiosis of Artificial Intelligence and the Brain

Around 2016, Elon Musk founded a neural tech company Neuralink dedicated to three goals: advance towards a possible symbiosis with artificial intelligence, inventing a brain-machine interface allowing hands-free control, and to help in the treatment of those with brain disorders or suffered traumatic accidents. Musk announced his plan to connect humans’ brains directly to computers using a microchip implanted within the brain to perhaps attain a “symbiosis with artificial intelligence.” Link 

Musk looks to start human experimentation in the early half of 2020 and has already carried out tests on rats and monkeys, stating that test results have been very positive and that a monkey had been able to control a computer within its brain during experimentation." The microchips are measured at 4 mm by 4 mm and are designed to stimulate neurons in the brain using threads of electrodes to communicate with other cells using a precision robot for the brain surgery. Musk also stated that the system could be used to treat disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease fundamentally preserving brain function. 

However ethical problems arise from connecting AI to the human brain, such as managing how to protect the information in the interface." The operation to implant the microchip as is classified as a brain surgery which are very high-risk. Another issue, the microchip is meant to be controlled by an iPhone app, and any breach in security could be catastrophic to the brain. In Moor's paper, "Why We Need Better Ethics for Emerging Technologies states that genetic, nano, and neurotechnology are favored due to their high convergence with the human brain. 

Halting the progress of these new technologies could create problems through bureaucracy and a battle between governments and corporations. However these emerging technologies are becoming far more immersive in the human brain, and a balance must be obtained to control what is ethical in this area. Link 


  1. The blog has a concrete example about artificial intelligence, but I think the writer does not refer his example to Moor’s paper very well. He does not develop a solid argument through the reading. For the fourth paragraph he states new ideas while he does not explain it enough.

  2. The blog provides to much context before any argument is made. It is not until the third paragraph that a point is produced. While the context is good and needed you should put your argument earlier in the blog before you lose your reader. The papers in class are only referenced once.

  3. I really like your post, I am a big fan of AI and of course my Hero Musk. It is a very ethnic question that if we want to improve our brain, we need to give our brain access to the AI chip to control or help it. So whether the AI is flowing our brain or fellow our ethnic, sometimes it is conflicted, how AI make decisions at that time. I recommend you adding more resources form the reading to fully explaining these problems.

  4. This post contains a lot of information about technology and dilemmas regarding ethics in technology. I am a big fan of Elon Musk so I found this particularly interesting. I think you should spend more words talking about the problems of the AI instead of explaining how it exactly works. I also think connecting more to the reading will provide more insightful analysis and work to develop your arguments better.

  5. Your post is very informative and links to a lot of great sources, and I really like how you brought Musk into your conversation with the topic, as he's one of the innovators of now. However, I think that you should consider adding a more personal voice to your post, as it reads pretty neutral at the moment.


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