Friday, January 24, 2020

Cyber bullying

Nurse, one of the most respectful jobs in the world, met a lot of patients every day, curing their disease, eliminating their discomfort and helping them get back to their normal life. They are angels in this cold world and keep bringing warmth to people. But what happened when they are cyber-bullied?
There is one nurse whose Weibo's (China's twitter) username is "A little nurse in the city of Wuhai" and she published a tweet saying that "Doctors ask us to be prepared 24/7 but I'm so exhausted. I'll be really excited if I can be encouraged by my icon @Yilong Zhu!" Yilong Zhu is currently one of the most popular star in China and has millions of fans. When he read this tweet, he replied and told her to believe herself. This is a normal story, right? Well, not in China. Yilong's fans got so jealous and cyber-bullied this poor girl. They searched the entire internet and published that girl's name, address and other personal details. Every day this girl received numerous toxic phone calls and fans showed up at the hospital she worked on and tried to attack her.

After one week, the girl has deleted all her online accounts and quitted her job. I'll never understand the people who did such harm to a kind nurse and more importantly, all they need to do is just typing some words online and no one can rule them. Just like Dr. Moor said: "Because new technology allows us to perform activities in new ways, situations may arise in which we do not have adequate policies in place to guide us." It's definitely vital to formulate and justify new policies to better protect and keep watch on the people online. Cyber-bullying is everywhere: comment section of websites, YouTube channel, video game chatting, social media etc. Internet is literally another wild world where people can convey the darkness in their humanities without any concern. Proper policies are inevitable.

I hope that little girl can have her confidence in this world and is willing to help others soon.


  1. Hi, your blog post topic was interesting and you had a nice hook at the beginning! To improve your post, you should bring up Moor's idea up earlier in the post rather than just adding it on at the end. Also, go deeper into Moor's ideas and maybe bring up the stage that twitter is in. Finally, I was not sure why the fans got jealous and attacked the nurse so you should explain that as well. If possible, you could also display the tweets as images or link to the tweets in order to engage the reader! Good luck!

  2. The hook was excellent. The sad stories that cyberbullying creates are by far too numerous.

    Your post seemed to be much more story than providing insight and connections to Moor. If you can shorten the story part of your post to be about 2/5 of your post and the rest talking about the issues anonymity and social media create, the post would be much stronger.

    Stylistically, the title could be more exciting than just the topic and break up the post into smaller chunks so it's easier to read.


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