Friday, January 24, 2020

Christopher Blair: Hero or Villain?

With every new year that passes technology is becoming more and more advanced, allowing people to connect and spread information more than they have ever been able to in the past. While this is generally seen as a good thing for everyone who has access to the internet, there are many disadvantages that come with it. Most specifically, fake news, and its proliferation, becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world. At the touch of a button, any person has access to a plethora of false and misleading information on the state of the world and the countries within it. 

Amongst all the fake news being shared in the media comes a satirical Facebook page titled America’s Last Line of Defense, created by Christopher Blair. While Blair had intended to make satirical news stories for the purpose of comedy, many of them end up being shared around the website as if they are real. In addition to this, not only are the posts shared, but radical right wing conservatives who believe the posts are real, often leave nasty and bigoted comments on the posts sharing their negative thoughts on the headline. This in turn provokes Blair and his loyal followers to respond to the comments to teach a lesson to the people who believe the posts are real. However, does this truly teach a lesson? Or are him and his followers merely bullying these people, perpetuating and confirming these people's negative beliefs on the left winged opposition?
Image result for americas last line of defense"

When reading Blair and his loyal followers responses to the comments left, it clearly shows that these people are truly no better than the people they are trying to “teach a lesson to”. This becomes evident through quotes such as “What a waste of flesh and time.” and “You my dear . . . are as smart as a potato.” After reading responses such as these it’s impossible to derive a lesson from it. Not only are these people not teaching a lesson but they are instead putting themselves on the same level of the people they believe they’re superior to.

It is clear through Blairs actions that he has not created a means to solve the problem of fake news and bigotry, but he has instead perpetuated the problem.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack -- I can definitely follow your argument and can see the reason why it's so important in an age where it's so difficult to differentiate quality information from "fake news". Unfortunately, what I can't see in your post is how you got from a reading to this point.I would have also liked to see examples of America's Last Line of Defense posts, I think those could've been good visuals or links to engage the reader.


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