Friday, January 24, 2020

The Importance of Being Kind

What does it mean to be kind?

I often find myself asking that question regularly. I believe that kindness is the most important value that a person can have, and I feel that many of us are too focused on 'who deserves kindness' as well as the outcome of their actions; this includes myself sometimes.

We often find ourselves not wanting to associate with certain types of people. For me, I don't enjoy associating with people who consistently lie because it impedes on the trust of our relationship. As writer Harry Frankfurt wrote in his chapter, On Truth, Lies, and Bullshit, "Lies are designed to damage our grasp of reality. So they are intended, in a very real way, to make us crazy." It makes sense... we don't want to be around people who bring us down or make us crazy, but rather we want to be around people who will uplift us, and that's totally OK; however, that doesn't mean that we can't be kind to everyone. 

There's this beautiful story of an unlikely friendship between an African American parole officer and a former neo-Nazi/white supremacist. The parole officer, Tiffany Whittier, simply gave Michael Kent a chance, and they ironically became friends. Ultimately, Michael Kent's friendship with Tiffany Whittier helped him leave his life of hate behind him. Stories like this make me believe why it's so important to be kind to everyone.

Now, even when we are kind, many of us feel the need to receive praise for our actions. Cary West, a carpenter, writer, and blogger, wrote an article on how kindness can change the world. He says to "focus on the act of giving, rather than the results of your actions. Detach from outcome, and you'll be free to make a difference in ways you never imagined."

Little acts of kindness go a long way. Things like:

  • Smiling at others
  • Giving compliments
  • Even just saying "hi."
All of these things can really have a positive impact on someones day.

One of Frankfurt's main points is to relay how important the truth is, but sometimes the truth is harsh. Nonetheless, it is still important to be truthful, and at the same time it's important to be kind about it. 

For example: I strongly dislike seafood. If my friends asked me to go out to lunch with them to a seafood restaurant, I wouldn't say to them, "Seafood is disgusting, no thanks." Instead, I would say something like, "Thanks so much for offering! Unfortunately, I am not a fan of seafood, but you guys go ahead and have a fun time!"

Moving forward in our lives, lets strive to be kind to everyone. Lets not reject people for who they are, but rather uplift them with love and kindness. Lets be more generous, more courageous, and more truthful. Lets stop the bullshit, and lets start the spread of ideas, information, and happiness.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog! This message is super important for everyone to read given the climate that we now live in.

    One thing to think about would be maybe trying to shorten the blog a little, as it was a little difficult to stay attentive towards the end.

    Also, with a blog post about kindness, it may be helpful to add pictures as they may heighten the connection readers have with your blog through visual cues.

    Hope these suggestions help!

  2. I really liked the way you organized this post. I thought you had a very clear voice, and I appreciated the use of bolded words and bulleted lists. However, I think you could have related your post more to technology, specifically how to be kind on social media. I did not completely understand how Frankfurt's main point fit into your argument, and it kind of felt like you missed a key sentence connecting him to your post. But, like I said before, I really enjoyed reading this post and I think "be kind" is something you cannot hear enough.

  3. Hi jschmon, I thought your article was compelling! I felt like a few supporting images would really add to the power of your argument. I also felt like your article was a little lengthy, and it was somewhat easy to lose focus towards the end, but that might just be my ADHD. Your formatting and offsite links were really good, and overall I really enjoyed reading your piece.

  4. When I first came across your title, I knew for sure that I wanted to read your blog. I think one thing I really liked about your writing is how you touched on the main topic and provided references from the readings. Also, you did a great job on making the important points very clear to the readers. One thing I would recommend to change is maybe switch the information of the reading first then talk about your own thoughts. Overall, a great topic.


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