Friday, January 24, 2020

Bullshit, A Cultural Trait?

I will admit, I am a bullshitter. There are times when I will join a conversation and say something that I do not know is true or false. According to Frankfurt, my lack of concern for the truth makes me a bullshitter. When we talked in discussion, though, my entire group admitted to doing the same. This then led me to pose the question in my mind, is this a cultural trait?

I decided to do some research and came across a 2019 study. What It found was that North America has the most bullshitters, and, surprisingly, the seemingly nice Canadians bullshit the most. In addition, the study showed that men are much more likely to bullshit than women. In the study, a survey was sent to high school students which involved real math problems, such as polygons and probability, and also included fake concepts, such as proper numbers and subjunctive scaling.  Students were asked about these topics and were marked a bullshitter when they responded that they were knowledgeable on the fake concepts. I do believe that if I was given this survey in high school, I would probably have failed. What do you think? 

Frankfurt writes in his book On Lies and Truth and Bullshit that, “Bullshit is a greater enemy of truth than lies are.” It seems in North America, however, that truth is no longer valued as important. As the study above shows, that shift seems to be particularly affecting younger generations. Much like Frankfurt, I believe that a complete disregard for the truth is dangerous. Truth is what leads to morality and to justice. I do feel that the modern tech culture promotes the idea of knowing a bit of everything -- which, in the end, makes us all bullshitters.  


  1. I enjoyed your reading very much. Specifically, I liked how you used a concept from class and built off of it with new, interesting information. If possible, I would like to know more about this study and if it has changed over time. I think your post could benefit is it included say, for example, technology played a major role in the rate of bullshit per certain groups. Overall, great job!

  2. I found your post really intriguing and interesting. I never thought how harmful random bullshitting can be. I would really like to see some examples of maybe your personal life that you've witnessed. Also, maybe showing evidence how bullshitting can be negative and worse than lying. If convenient, you could even try to tie up your reading with another study or article as an added resource.


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