Amongst all the fake news being shared in the media came a satirical Facebook page titled “America’s Last Line of Defense”, created by Christopher Blair. While Blair had intended to make satirical news stories for the purpose of comedy, many of them end up being shared around the website as if they were real. Even though the Facebook page includes several disclaimers stating the headlines are satirical, it doesn’t stop ignorant right wing extremists from sharing the posts and leaving comments in the belief that they are real. These actions in turn provoke Blair and his loyal followers to respond to the comments to “teach a lesson” to those unironically sharing the posts. While it may seem like Blair and his followers are doing the heroic thing, educating these ignorant Facebook users to keep fake news from spreading, I would argue the opposite. Are Blair and his followers merely bullying these people, confirming their negative beliefs on the left winged opposition? Or are they actually educating them?
When reading Blair’s responses to the comments on the posts, it seems that he and his followers are truly no better than the people they are trying to teach a lesson to. This becomes evident through quotes such as “What a waste of flesh and time” and “You my dear . . . are as smart as a potato.” After reading these responses, it becomes apparent that it is impossible to derive a lesson from them. If they truly wanted to educate these people then they should simply point out that the post isn’t real. Not only are Blair and his people not teaching a lesson, but they’re actively lowering themselves to the same level of the people they believe they’re superior to.
It is clear through Blair’s actions that he has not attempted to solve the problem of fake news and bigotry, but has instead perpetuated it, becoming the villain.
Hi Jack! I really enjoyed reading your post, it brings to light a lot of the ideas surrounding "fake news." In comparison to your old post, I really like the added picture and graph as it provides more clarity to your arguments. Additionally, adding the comment from Eli Saslow's article provides more credibility to your claims about fake news. Your arguments especially the one regarding Blair's facebook page are more succinct and easy to follow. Overall, your revised post showed great improvement in terms of presentation of information, flow of thought and overall language.
ReplyDeleteHey Jack,
ReplyDeleteYour blog had a good flow to it. Right as I was starting to develop an opinion based on your writing, you state yours and defend it. The use of his quotes was great, as well as a screenshot of one of his fake posts. It's difficult to find constructive criticism on your post. I think this hits all the marks.
Hi Jack. I really enjoyed reading your post and it brought up many good points. When compared to your initial post, you definitely did a good job improving the formatting of the post along with the flow of the writing. One thing that I would have liked to know is your thoughts on Facebook or other social media sites can do to prevent events like this from happening. Should they ban troll pages like "America's Last Line of Defense" which perpetuate fake news and misinformation? If not, what should be done? Overall, great job!