Friday, February 21, 2020

What's Your Definition Of Friendship?

Is friendship a transaction? 

The answer is no. 

Who are our real friends? 

As a kid or a teenager, our process of making friends tends to be super fast and unfiltered. Since kids are not mature enough to know the real definition of a good friendship, as we go through phases in what we enjoy, we then quite often, and our friends change along the way. 

When I think of my friends, I think of the quality instead of the quantity. What’s more meaningful to me in a good friendship is when we both take time to develop together and help/push each other to grow more. To celebrate and uplift each other as we support with trust and being compassionate. 

Can we replace our online friends with the actual ones?
According to J. H. Søraker, from an empirical point of view, there have been numerous studies suggesting that virtual friendships do not replace actual ones in any significant manner. Another much-discussed study had a similar conclusion, but also provided evidence that (and this is what caught the media headlines): ‘‘the more time people spend using the Internet, the more they lose contact with their social environment’’
(Nie and Erbring 2002, p. 275). 

As technology has become a big part of our lives nowadays, the internet plays an important tool for us to connect to people from all over the world. I agree that we could always talk and share everything with our virtual friends and online friendships are real too, but can they physically be there with us when needed? 

“ It is initially difficult to compare actual and virtual friendship unless we have a more concrete definition of what it is that constitutes a genuine friendship”. ( J. H. Søraker, 214) 

Image: Google
“Without friends, no one would want to live, even if they had all other worldly things.

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath during 

the Classical period in Ancient Greece. He saw virtue friendships 

as the true joys of life and a life well-lived must include truly 

meaningful, lasting friendships; good friends are good to each 

other. While his impact can still be felt in many different subjects 

today, maybe the most accurate of his observations relate to 


A meaningful friendship is someone you don’t have to constantly communicate with but will still always be a pillar for you. A good friend has to be someone who constantly motivates you to be your best self and someone who will love you unconditionally. Some friends come into your life and leave but with the precious few, we shall live our lives happily. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lina, interesting post! I liked the way you incorporated your own voice into the piece and weaved your personal experiences in with the empirical discussion of the idea of friendship. One thing that I would be careful with is your formatting. There are some paragraphs that are partially indented, some that have different line spacing, and some words that are in a different font color and size. I enjoyed the articles that you did mention in your post, but it might be useful to bring in more articles from class as well, such as Shannon Vallor's piece about value in social networking or the ideas of truth vs. bullshit to your discussion of friendship online. Overall, good work!


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