Friday, February 21, 2020

What It Means To Be Ethical

To be ethical is to be honest, trustworthy, and to have a good moral compass. Now, in Saslow's reading "Nothing On This Page Is Real: How Lies Become Truth In Online America" the main person of interest, Christopher Blair, does not show these kinds of ethical traits. Blair runs a political Facebook page called "America's Last Line of Defense", that he uses to name call and attack other users that have a different political view, all because they repost his crazy and whacky stories. 

Image result for america's last line of defense

Nothing Blair is doing is ethical. He started his page as political satire, but as time went on it has devolved into a source of fake news. He is perpetually creating lies in order to trick people of a different politcal opinion into believing these lies, all so that he and his followers can call them "trailer park trash" or "a waste of flesh and time" for believing them. There is nothing ethical about spewing lies, and then making fun of people that thought your lies were true. It shows the kind of person Blair truly is. He is nothing more than your everyday internet troll, a person that enjoys putting other people down so that he can feel like he is on top. Perhaps if Blair used his platform to teach people in a more professional manner that not everything posted on the internet is true, then this would make what he is doing more ethical. He needs to stop with the name calling and attacking of other users, and until he decides to change they way he does things, it will continue to be an unethical act.


  1. You do good job a bringing your reader in and the image is very good. However, you might consider adding another image to help support your argument. You should also delve deeper into what your arguments are besides talking about what Blair is doing and how that is wrong. You might want to consider talking about how the reading relates to the issue more than just Blair. To help with this you could provide another example of somebody doing something similar to Blair.

  2. I believe you did a good job at bringing Saslow's reading into the blog. I also like the addition of the image but you could perhaps include another image to the post. I think your blog would also benefit with a stronger introduction that really draws the reader into the blog. You could also add more to the blog discussing why what Blair is doing is unethical compared to what he set out to do with his page.

  3. This post does a good job of introducing the reading early on, and you make a clear argument but I think it could be supplemented by some concepts from some of the other readings, as well as breaking up the second paragraph a bit for more visual appeal.

  4. Hey, I do like the concise nature of your post. It makes it clear what your argument and point of view is. However, I can't help but feel that there may be more nuance to this issue. Obviously, what Blair is doing is wrong because he is spreading all this misinformation, but maybe you could elaborate on why just because his intention may be good, that doesn't justify what hes doing?


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